“All young people, regardless of sexual orientation or identity, deserve a safe and supportive environment in which to achieve their full potential."
~Harvey Milk


Adopted March 2023

By-Laws: PDF
Standing Rules: PDF HTML


  1. The name of this organization shall be the California Teachers Association Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer+ Caucus (CTA-LGBTQ+C).
  2. The CTA-LGBTQ+C is established for the following purposes:
    1. To ensure the safety of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ students and staff in California public schools.
    2. To protect the rights and interests of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ members of the Association and their supporters.
    3. To promote recognition of the special needs and rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer+ youth.
    4. To advance understanding and acceptance of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer+ people in all areas of society.


  1. Categories of membership (see Appendix A)
    1. Voting membership shall be open to all persons who are active, student, retired, or life members of CTA..
    2. Associate membership shall be open to all persons who support the CTA-LGBTQ+C.
  2. Membership shall become effective upon payment of dues. (see Appendix A)
  3. The membership year shall be from July 1 to June 30.
  4. Membership lists shall be confidential and used by the Officers of the CTA-LGBTQ+C for CTA-LGBTQ+C business.
  5. Only voting (Category A) dues-paying members shall be allowed to vote on official CTA-LGBTQ+C busines.


  1. The Officers shall be two (2) Co-Chairs (one male or non-binary and one female or non-binary), a Secretary, and a Treasurer.
  2. The Female or Non-Binary Co-Chair and the Treasurer shall be elected in odd numbered years. The Male or Non-Binary Co-Chair and the Secretary shall be elected in even numbered years.
  3. The Co-Chairs shall call and preside at meetings and make committee appointments as necessary.
  4. The Secretary shall record the minutes of each meeting, keep attendance records, and be responsible for keeping an accurate record of the Bylaws and Standing Rules.
  5. The Treasurer shall receive and have custody of all funds collected by the CTA-LGBTQ+C, pay bills as authorized by the Co-Chairs, provide for an annual financial statement, and maintain accurate membership records.


  1. The Steering Committee shall be composed of the Officers, one (2) Directors-at-Large, four (4) Regional Directors and one (1) CTAAE Liaison.
  2. One Director-at-Large shall be elected for a two-year team in even-numbered years.
  3. The Second Director-at-Large shall be elected for a two-year term in odd-numbered years. Must be an ethnic minority (African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic) as defined in the CTA Bylaws and self-identified in CTA membership records.
  4. The Regional Directors shall be elected for a two-year term as follows: Region 1 and 3 in odd numbered years and Regions 2 and 4 in even numbered years.
  5. The CTA Aspiring Educator (CTAAE) Liaison will be selected each year according to CTAAE procedures. The CTAAE Liaison will serve a one-year term (July 1-June 30) on the CTA-LGBTQ+C Steering Committee.
  6. The Steering Committee shall operate between State Council meetings and shall act as the governing board of the CTA-LGBTQ+C. In addition, the Steering Committee shall recommend an annual budget, recommend changes in the Bylaws as needed, and aid the Co-Chairs in preparing agendas.
  7. Steering Committee members are expected to contribute a minimum of two articles for publication in the CTA-LGBTQ+C newsletter.


  1. Standing Committees and Task Forces, and their chairs, shall be appointed by the CTA-LGBTQ+C Co-Chairs.


  1. There shall be at least one (1) meeting of the CTA-LGBTQ+C at each CTA State Council meeting.
  2. A quorum shall consist of the members present.


  1. Nomination and election of Officers shall be held at the last meeting of the CTA State Council of the school year under procedures established in the Standing Rules.
  2. Nominations for all positions shall be opened at the 3rd CTA-LGBTQ+C State Council meeting of the school year. Nominations shall be closed as the first order of business at the 4th CTA-LGBTQ+C State Council meeting.
  3. Candidates for office shall be Voting (Category A), dues-paying members of the CTA-LGBTQ+C.
  4. Only Voting (Category A) dues-paying members shall be allowed to nominate and vote for CTA-LGBTQ+C Officers.
  5. Officers shall take office as the last order of business following the last meeting of the CTA-LGBTQ+C at the last CTA State Council meeting of the school year.


  1. If a vacancy occurs in any office, the CTA-LGBTQ+C Steering Committee may appoint a replacement until the last State Council meeting when the unexpired term will be filled by election.


  1. Dues for membership shall be established no later than the third CTA State Council meeting of the CTA-LGBTQ+C. There shall be a reduced rate for CTAE members.


  1. In addition to the Bylaws, the CTA-LGBTQ+C shall be governed by such Standing Rules as the CTA-LGBTQ+C adopts.


  1. The latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern all matters not covered by the Bylaws or Standing Rules.


  1. Amendments to these Bylaws and Standing Rules must be submitted in writing at a meeting of the CTA-LGBTQ+C.
  2. Amendments to these Bylaws will be voted on at a meeting of the CTA-LGBTQ+C at the first State Council meeting after submission.
  3. Voting on amendments shall be by secret ballot and requires a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Voting (Category A) members present and voting for adoption.
  4. Proposed amendments shall become effective immediately upon passage.


Active Membership - Individual   $ 20   CTA members, staff, retired and life. Full voting rights. Receive newsletters, and informational emails.
Joint NEA/CTA Membership - Individual   $ 40   Full voting rights. Must be a member of both NEA & CTA. Includes NEA & CTA GLBTC memberships, NEA-GLBTC newsletters, and $5 discount for joining both NEA & CTA at the same time.
Associate - Individual   $ 10   CTA-GLBTC supporter (need not be an CTA member). No voting rights. Receive newsletters, and informational emails.
Joint NEA/CTA Membership - Associate   $ 20   NEA & CTA-GLBTC supporter (need not be an CTA or NEA member). No voting rights. Receive newsletters, and informational emails.
Student/Retired - Individual   $ 5   CTA student member or retired. Full voting rights. Receive newsletters, and informational emails.
Joint NEA/CTA Membership - Student/ Retired   $ 10   NEA and CTA student member or retired. Full voting rights. Receive newsletters, and informational emails.
Active Membership - Married/Domestic Partner/Civil Union   $ 35   2 CTA members, staff, retired and life residing at same address. Full voting rights for both members. Receive newsletters, and informational emails.
Active Membership - Married/Domestic Partner/Civil Union   $ 30   1 CTA member & 1 non-members, staff, retired and life residing at same address. Full voting rights for CTA members ONLY. Receive newsletters, and informational emails.
Joint NEA/CTA Membership - Married/Domestic Partner/Civil Union   $ 80   Both members of CTA/NEA. Full voting rights. Includes NEA & CTA GLBTC memberships, NEA-GLBTC newsletters.
Joint NEA/CTA Membership - Married/Domestic Partner/Civil Union   $ 65   One CTA/NEA member. Full voting rights for CTA/NEA member only. Includes NEA & CTA GLBTC memberships, NEA-GLBTC newsletters.